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The 5 a.m. Club by Robin Sharma


  • Rising at 5 a.m. will help you let go of mediocrity and become extraordinary.

  • Leave behind your old self and embrace her new self like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

  • To be a “History-Maker,” work hard, avoid distractions, practice mastery and improve 1% every day.

  • Your four “Interior Empires” are: “Mind-set, Heartset, Healthset and Soulset.”

  • Good habits – waking early, working hard and being consistent – help you become a “Self-Discipline Spartan.”

  • “20/20/20 Formula” is “move, reflect and grow.”

  • “10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius” include focusing, setting targets, delegating and learning.

  • “You enter the magic by using joy as your GPS.”

  • Rising early will help you be forgiving and leave a lasting legacy.

Robin Sharma’s mantra: “Own your morning. Elevate your life.” Success springs from starting your day at 5 a.m. Sharma promises that will enable you to surpass your dreams

Rising at 5 a.m. will help you let go of mediocrity and become extraordinary!

People must break with their weak selves to find their strong selves. The old “you” must die to make space for the new “you.”

Leave behind your old self and embrace her new self like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon.

Own your morning to elevate your life. The world is full of distractions, but at 5 a.m. you have quiet.

“3-Step Success Formula”:

1. “Learning and growing” for better awareness.

2. “Implementation and execution” for better choices.

3. “Income and impact” for better results.

With self-love and self-respect the artist and entrepreneur can become extraordinary instead of timid

To be a “History-Maker,” work hard, avoid distractions, practice mastery and improve 1% every day

Never to take any day for granted. He says that thinking about dying makes you focus on what matters and feel grateful for the moment

4 Focuses of History-Makers”:

1. “Capitalization IQ” – Innate talent isn’t as important as maximizing your talent with dedication and hard work. People don’t optimize their gifts, because they don’t believe they’ve got what it takes.

2. “Freedom from distraction” – Technology impedes the deeper connections that bring meaning to your life. Staying distracted indicates you are afraid to the best you can be. Focus on one high-quality activity at a time.

3. “Personal mastery practice” – Dedicate at least 10,000 hours to your practice to become a master. Part-time commitment provides part-time results.

4. “Day stacking” – Even a 1% improvement over the previous day elevates your life by 30% in 30 days. What you do every day is more important than what you do once in a while.

Your four “Interior Empires” are: “Mind-set, Heartset, Healthset and Soulset.”

The four Interior Empires, are essential to happiness.

  • Mind-set – Important to developing personal mastery, the mind-set needs help from other empires. You can change the way you think, but you must change in other ways as well.

  • Heartset – Your emotional empire can “purify” your mind-set. Let go of sadness, resentment and fear.

  • Healthset – Do all you can to live as long as possible, including focusing intently on being healthy.

  • Soulset – All people have an “unstained spirit and spotless soulfulness” that informs their being.

These “sets” are best activated in the early morning.

Good habits – waking early, working hard and being consistent – will help you become a “Self-Discipline Spartan.

“5-3-1 Creed of the Willpower Warrior”:

  • The five best ways to nurture good habits – Cultivate willpower, be disciplined, rest and recover when your willpower ebbs, make good habits into a routine and build self-control.

  • The three standards you need to build great habits – These values are: Be consistent, follow through and practice publicly what you do privately.

  • The “General Theory of Self-Discipline Spartans” – Take on difficult tasks that matter even if they make you uncomfortable.

Your brain’s neuroplasticity enables you to grow, but routine is critical because creating a new habit takes 66 days. The author practiced the 66-day habit change routine to build his ability to do 1,000 push-ups a day.

While visiting the Taj Mahal and listening to Riley further discuss waking up early to discover your hidden potential, the entrepreneur realizes how happy she is. She is in love with the artist, and she forgives the enemies at her company who threatened to kill her. Those who hurt others secretly hate themselves. By joining the 5 a.m. Club, she feels she will earn her right to greatness.

“Amazing Day” template to help them organize their work days for optimal performance. It suggests family time from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m., focus on being a top performer from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., and renewal from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m

The Spellbinder warns them that not getting enough sleep leads to an early death.

A nightly ritual is vitally important. The brain produces 75% of its human growth hormone (HGH) during sleep. HGH is essential to creativity and vitality. The optimal amount of sleep is 7.5 hours a night. The Spellbinder suggests a routine for the three hours before going to bed.

  • 7 to 8 p.m. – Eat the last meal of the day. Turn off your devices. Isolate yourself from overstimulation.

  • 8 to 9 p.m. – Have conversations with loved ones. Meditate. Read. Take a bath.

  • 9 to 10 p.m. – Prepare for sleep. Your bedroom should be cool, dark and tech-free. Lay out your gear for your 5 a.m. workout. Practice gratitude.

The “20/20/20 Formula” is “move, reflect and grow.”

  • 5 a.m. to 5:20 a.m.: Move – Get out of bed the moment your alarm clock rings. Exercise intensely for 20 minutes to cleanse your system and orient your focus. •

  • 5:20 a.m. to 5:40 a.m.: Reflect – Write in a journal or plan your day. Visit your gratitude.

  • 5:40 a.m. to 6 a.m.: Grow – Read books, review your goals or study online. Deepen your knowledge to earn more and master your field.

The “10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius” include focus, setting targets, delegating and learning.

“My business will be untouchable and I, personally, will become unbeatable as I execute on all these ideas.”

10 Tactics of Lifelong Genius:

  • 1. Build a “metaphorical moat” around your mental focus, physical energy, personal willpower, original talent and daily time.

  • For 90 days, use the first 90 minutes of the day to focus on the single most important work you can do to facilitate greatness.

  • Spend 60 minutes working at your highest level, then take a 10-minute break to walk, read or meditate.

  • During the second part of your 5 a.m. hour, set five “tiny targets” to accomplish that day.

  • Fast for 16 hours a day and eat during only eight hours. Schedule a second workout at the end of the day. Go for a nature walk.

  • Schedule two deep-tissue massages per week to reduce your cortisol (stress hormone), and to increase your melatonin and serotonin.

  • Use the time you spend in your car to grow professionally by listening to audiobooks or podcasts. Even one idea they inspire could earn you a great success.

  • Delegate tasks that don’t enhance your goals to employees dedicated to your success.

  • Take 30 minutes on Sunday mornings to create a plan for having a great week.

  • Take an hour to learn, every day, so you can fulfill your “mighty purpose.”

“You enter the magic by using joy as your GPS.”

While sustainability is key to long-term success, you must work hard to stand out. To enjoy life, everyone needs the right relationships, places and activities to fuel the engine that drives their GPS of joy. Miraculous experiences are more valuable than material things.

Rising early in the morning will help you be forgiving and leave a lasting legacy.

During his incarceration, Mandela got up at 5 a.m. every day to work out. Like Mandela, many great men and women suffered but held onto their core character traits: Courage, mercy, humbleness, honor, compassion, authenticity and courtesy. Strive for these qualities to realize your greatness and make the world a better place. To establish a legacy, construct your life around doing good.

“Every one of us must rise each morning – yes, at 5 a.m. – and do everything we can possibly do to unfold our genius, develop our talents, deepen our character and escalate our spirits.”

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